Dr Dropin uses keyless access to make doctor's lives easier

Eirik Sæves joined us to explain more about why Dr Dropin chose Defigo to help them with their keyless access control.

Eirik Sæves is the co-founder and CEO of Dr Dropin Fysikalske. Dr Dropin is a private healthcare service offering accessible healthcare across Norway. They have 120 healthcare professionals that work between their clinics.

In 2020 Dr Dropin implemented Defigo’s multi-door access control on the entrances to their clinics, allowing for their healthcare professionals to have easy access to all the clinics that they work in. Eirik joined us to explain more about why Dr Dropin chose Defigo to help them with their keyless access control.

"At Dr Dropin, we work to make healthcare more accessible, better and offer it at a fixed and reasonable price. We started back in 2017 by offering general medical services.

The patients have been incredibly satisfied with what we have delivered.

We have constantly grown and have built more clinics in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger.

In recent years, we have launched several healthcare services. Today we have dermatologists, gynecologists, pediatricians, psychologists, physiotherapists and chiropractors, which is what I work with the most.

We started using Defigo in 2020, and after that we have adopted it in all the new clinics.

Before we used Defigo, we had an access system for our clinics that involved using physical keys and key chips. It gave us a number of challenges in everyday life because we have many doctors and several of them often work at different clinics during the course of a month.

It could be a week at Majorstuen, a week at Bislett and a week at Ensjø.

Always ensuring that the doctors had keys and key fobs for the clinics that they were going to made it very difficult administratively. It resulted in some unfortunate situations where the doctor and the patient were standing outside at 8 o'clock in the morning and the doctor had not entered the clinic and instead had to say hello to the patient outside the door. That is not a good patient experience, so then we knew we had to make changes.

We realized that we needed a digital and simple solution to get in and out of the clinics. We heard about Defigo through Askeladden and Co who helped start Dr Dropin. They had experience with using Defigo, because they had already adopted this in their administration office.

The feedback from there was very positive. We asked other customers of Defigo, and it was all thumbs up, so then Defigo was an obvious choice for us in Dr Dropin.

In everyday life, the doctors have the Defigo app on their phone. When they come outside the clinic in the morning, they open the app, press an icon there and then the door opens into the clinic.

It works very seamlessly and is a very good solution for us, as we have 60-70 doctors, and in addition other health personnel including dermatologists, psychologists and gynecologists who also work in these clinics. Several of the doctors and the other health personnel work in several different clinics during the week. So having to have a single physical key, and ensuring that everyone has a physical key to all the clinics just never worked.

Defigo is therefore a very good solution for us, where the doctors have access to the clinics where they work. We spend little time on Defigo in everyday life because it works very well.

We have a service team that has an onboarding routine where new doctors and healthcare personnel are added to the Defigo app when they start. After that, the health personnel use the app to let themselves in to the clinics, and it works very well.

My favorite feature with Defigo is that from anywhere in the world I can pick up the app and open the door to a doctor's clinic. The other day, I had someone deliver a treatment bench to the clinic in Majorstuen. They didn't come until the evening, when I was lying at home on the sofa.

These were people I trusted, so I could then take out the app and try to open the door and these two guys could then carry this treatment bench into the clinic so that the office was ready for use the next day.

If this had been 2 years ago, I would have had to get in the car and drive to open the clinic.

Our experience with Defigo is that it works, there is little downtime and there is a service team that is very accommodating and always available when needed."

Find out more about Defigo's multi-door access control in the US brochure.

To view the video interview (in Norwegian) click here.

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