Salto & Defigo integration: a functional overview

This is a functional overview of the Salto/Defigo integration. In this article, we explain what Defigo provides through this integration and what the general requirements are. If you are interested in knowing more about it, get in touch with us at [email protected]

Functional overview of Salto/Defigo integration

Functional overview of the Salto/Defigo integration

What Defigo provides through its integration

  • The ability to use one RFID on the Defigo system and the system we are integrated towards.
  • Simple RFID administration: add access cards, remove cards, disable access cards.
  • The ability to add Defigo users to the integration using the Defigo customer portal
  • The ability to enable digital keys on the systems we are integrated towards

General integration requirements

For every integration we require:

  • A service partner that can administer and run the integration: they are the ones to configure firewalls/network and run the third-party service.
  • A static IP address provided by service partner that is accessible from the internet.
  • A user within the system with the ability to do data manipulation

Defigo and Salto

Defigo can connect to the Design XS Reader, a Salto propriety reader. More information can be found here at this link.

Information about the integration

The customer has to use Salto ProAccess Space.

Defigo only integrates with Online readers.


If you are interested in knowing more about the Salto and Defigo integration, get in touch with us at [email protected].

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